Faith in God's power saves our soul (from independence, sin, and death)
SUMMARY: Yes, we all came from God, the Creator of all things, however, we are all in a test as to whether or not we will connect with God. We do have the power to choose to reject God's invitation or receive it. What do we need? We need hope from God. We need strength for our weakness. We need love for our unloveliness. We need perfection for our corruptions. We need God for everything. This is part of the message of the good news (gospel). The other part of the message is that God HAS ALREADY provided all that we need through our relationship in Jesus (Yeshua the Messiah). In Jesus we can learn how to live and not die. We can learn about God our Father's love who waits for each of us to return back to Him as prodigal, wasteful sons and daughters. God waits for us. Jesus died even for His enemies. Not one of us has to go the way of the devil (independent rebellion). We can all enjoy God's work to restore us back into life everlasting. "Why this restoration process" you might ask? It is God's wisdom to reveal Himself to us in a multitude of ways! What ways? As our merciful and forgiving Father. As the One who proved His love to us to the point of even dying for us. As the One who dwells within us--empowering us over all evil. As the One who is preparing a place for each one of us who are on this fantastic journey on knowing Him and growing in His ways with Him. In this I, and many, rejoice to know and enjoy His presence now and for all eternity with Him! God is good! May your heart eyes open up to God's love (Jesus) seeing and receiving Him as your of life and life everlasting!

Do you want to I live forever?
How can I discover the "way"?
What can satisfy me?
Am I valuable to God?
(John 11:25 NKJV) Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. (John 3:16 NKJV) "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
(John 14:6 NKJV) Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
(John 6:35 NKJV) And Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.
(John 15:13 NKJV) "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends. (Luke 23:42-43 NKJV) Then he said to Jesus, "Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom." And Jesus said to him, "Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise."

How to fight God and loose...
We fight God when we oppose God's designs.
We fight God when we think we are right and God is wrong.
We fight God when we ignore Him and do our own thing.
We fight God when we accept "distortions" over His good designs.
We fight God by rejecting Him leaning on the limitations of our understandings.
We fight God in our mind, emotions, and will.
We fight God, but He still loves us and calls us to come Him for life everlasting.
God will not force His blessings on anyone.
God waits for our free will choice.
God waits for our "Permission Granted".
Fighting God is never a good thing and doesn't end up well.
Look at all the examples God tells us about - including Lucifer the devil.
Banishment from God's presence is never a good thing.
If we fight, resist, or ignore God, we will loose.
Choose not to fight God and open your spirit up to His teachings, love, and truth.
God's ways and wisdom are much better than ours.
God will lead us out of death and into life.
God is on a rescue mission.
God's assignment is YOU.
We are a spirit, with a soul, in a body.
We need soul food for our mind, emotions, will.
We need physical food for our bodies.
We need spiritual food for our spirit.
Jesus came to save us.
Blessing our spirit, soul, and body.

Have you received God's gift of salvation?
God the Father welcomes each one of us to be restored from our state of dying.
We CAN live forever!
When God's Spirit touches our spirit, we come alive.
God births our....
New desires (Honoring God)
New direction (God's empowering grace and truth)
New destiny (Heaven)
God can save us from darkness and death.
God saves us from distortions and deceptions.
God saves us from lies that steal, kill, and destroy.
God's reality is made real to those who humbly honor Him;
(John 14:21 NKJV) "He who has My commandments and keeps them,
it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father,
and I will love him and manifest Myself to him."
Salvation is coming out of death and stepping into life with God leading you...
Jesus becomes our "Ticket to Heaven" as well as our Good "Teacher" now.
Salvation is God saving us in our spirit, soul, and body.
God restores our spirit as we yield to His Spirit and Word (Bible Truth Teachings of Jesus)
Salvation is God's relational gift of "Everlasting Life" that He wants for us.
We don't have to walk alone in this world.
God promises to be with us, teach us, lead us, strengthen us, and restore in His eternal plan.
God's plan of "Salvation" starts in time (now) and continues into eternity.
Salvation comes to those who HONOR God by FAITH...
We are trusting in God's power to save us, not our own power.
We are leaning not on our own understanding, but following the desires of God's Spirit and Word.
We are acknowledging God's better way.
(Ephesians 2:8-9 NKJV) For by grace you have been saved through faith,
and that not of yourselves; [it is] the gift of God,
not of works, lest anyone should boast.
We receive salvation by trusting in what God has done, is doing, and will do.
Have you received "Salvation" in Jesus?
"Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.
No one comes to the Father
except through Me." (John 14:6 Bible)
We become a child of God by:
Understanding our distorted ways and turning to God's better ways.
Receiving the living words of Jesus into our minds, hearts, and practices.
Asking God's Spirit comes to live inside of us.
Presenting ourselves as God's possession of love (Romans 12:1-2)
Yes, God's Spirit does reveal and confirm His presence in this new relationship of salvation with God.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16 Bible)
When we "believe" on Jesus that means that we are "trusting, clinging to ,and relying on Jesus to save us
Are you trusting in the limitation that you know about life and death?
Are your trusting in your "good" works?
Are you placing your active trust in Jesus?
God's gift is received by all who ask in faith - in heart sincerity.
God's gift is NOT earned.
Good works are to glorify God after one is born of God by His Word and Spirit.
PLACING FAITH (trust, love in action) IN JESUS' POWER SAVES US.
Faith in GOD'S POWER saves us!
Daily receiving God's empowering grace saves us from daily evil.
God's gift of salvation CAN be;
humbly and thankfully received
shared with others
Our identity doesn't have to be twisted up with sin, regrets, addictions, problems, and pain.
God's free gift of everlasting life (being saved from sin which produces death)
begins as soon as you receive it.
Give God your, "permission granted".

Prayer for life...
Lord God,
I confess that I am a sinner. I confess that I need Your Son--my only Savior, Jesus.
Please forgive me of all the (distorted) ways I have expressed my fallen nature against you,
your people, and your creation.
Lord Jesus, I believe you live, love, and also died (on the cross) showing your love to pardon me.
I now turn from my sins and welcome You into my mind, emotions, choices, and heart.
Come and take control of my life and show me your BETTER ways into life and out of death.
Help me fulfill the good plans you have for me in time and for all eternity.
Fill me with Your Spirit and show me how to live for You.
I now gladly acknowledge You as my Savior and my Lord in the sight of all men and creation.
I'm glad you are alive and want to bless me.
Thank You for hearing my humble prayer and making me your welcomed, blessed, and loved child!
I receive your pardon gift, for my sin, and receive your new ways leading to life everlasting in your restoration
-- for your glory Jesus, I pray.
In Jesus’ name,
Amen (Let it be so in Your will God)

Caution….Wrong Ways To Heaven
These are the wrong ways to Heaven and eternal life with God Almighty:
"I am a good person"
I hope you are, but deep inside of us we are not good. When we were children we were never taught how to do bad things. We did bad things because we are sinners. In comparison with a Holy God we are unholy sinners. Our good is not enough to merit the graces of God and to impress Him somehow.
"Heaven is a state of mind"
Heaven is actually a place. Sure it is full of joy, peace, and bliss. But it is actually the dwelling place of God. It is much more than a state of mind.
"All roads lead to Heaven"
The Bible teaches that there are only two roads that we travel. One road will lead us to destruction (Hell) and one road will lead us to Heaven. We must decide what our destination will be. Then get the proper directions for our destination. Sure many people travel their own journey to come to a knowledge of Jesus Christ the one and only savior, but the truth doesn't change--Jesus Christ is still the only doorway into the gates of Heaven.
"I believe in God"
Even the demons believe in God. But we must obey God, turn from our sin and follow Him. Believing in God should not just be a mental assent. God is looking for those who will follow him and not just believe him intellectually.
"I am religious"
Some religions are good and some religions are bad. Religion will never save our soul. Only God can save our soul. We must follow God's truth and not a man made tradition. Religion is man's work or attempt to get to God, but salvation is God's work to get to man.
"My good outweighs my bad"
How much good would we have to do? We are born sinners. If you were to make an omelet for your friends would you sneak in a rotten egg. No. Our good is like a rotten egg to God. Our good deeds will never obligate God to let us into his Holy Heaven.
"I believe in reincarnation"
After we die we stand before God for our judgment. We do not get another chance. We do not come back into this world to try again or to achieve some kind of level. We must choose to obey and follow God's authority as The Creator while we are living. Do not be deceived by this so called option. Know that God is a real being and NOT an impersonal force of power. God has power, but is a being. We too have power to choose freely, or power to choose God. It is wise to know these things now, not after when it is too late to change your mind.
"I go to church"
Each church may teach different things that are contrary to the Bible's truth on salvation. Even if a church teaches the truth about salvation through Jesus Christ alone we still have to believe, receive and follow Jesus into eternal life by being born by His Spirit. Every person has to choose to repent from their sins and follow God by trusting and obeying God.
"I have faith"
Everyone lives with some measure of faith. We trust that the chair we sit on will hold us up. That is a natural faith. But saving faith is an act of our will to totally trust, cling and rely upon the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. And then we must by faith follow God allowing Him to guide and direct us as we grow in our relationship with Him.
"I was water baptized when I was a child"
Our decision to follow God and obey God is not a one time moment or event. Our relationship with God is a day by day acknowledgment of His grace and truth living on the inside of us changing our desires for His glory.
Ask yourself...
What road am I on?
Where are my life choices leading me?
Am I trusting in something I want to believe or in something that is true according to God’s Word?
Am I walking with God out of love and gratitude for what He has provided for me.
Am I willing to learn about Jesus Christ as He claims to be the only way to God the Father?

God Reveals Himself (proof for the sincere)..
All of God's creations reveal God's good designs.
The Universe
The Stars
Those who take some time to discover, seek, intentionally pursue, God will reveal Himself.
All those who practice His Words - God will reveal Himself.
All those who humbly ask for God's empowering grace - God will reveal Himself.
All who seek will find.
God reveals Himself as the way of life for all who want life.
God wants to interrupt our experience with death and replace it with His experience of life.
God uses Creation, dreams, visions, miracles, events, people, and many other things.
God reveals Himself in Jesus.
Who is Jesus?
Jesus is BREAD to the hungry
Jesus is POWER to the humble
Jesus is PLEASURE to the honoring
Jesus is FORGIVENESS and HEALING to the hurting
Jesus is HOPE to the hopeless
Jesus is SECURITY to the insecure
Jesus is our one and only SAVIOR
Jesus saves us from evil's distortions in His LOVE
Jesus teaches us and leads us into TRUTH
Jesus is LIFE for all those who seek Him...

Jesus Defeats Sin And Death For Us!
"There is a way that seems right to a man,
But its end is the way of death." (Proverbs 14:12 Bible)
We are all born broken.
We are born as sinners.
What do sinners do?
They sin.
Sin affects our perceptions
Sin affects our thoughts
Sin affects our desires
Sin tends to look only at “self”
Sin is selfish
Sin causes us to blame others.
Sin causes us to live in fear.
Sin causes us to “cover-up” and justify our wrong ways.
Sin is deadly.
Sin is deceiving.
Sin is punishable by death.
This is God’s justice.
To righteously punish sin.
Jesus took our punishment so that we don’t have to be guilty.
Now, we can live free from the condemnation of sin which leads to death.
In God’s love, Jesus took our guilt and gave us His free gift of pardon.
All we have to do is choose God’s plan over our own ideas
When we follow God’s plan we can be confident that God will help us and work things out properly.
However, if we follow our own plans, then we will be confused or even arrogant that we are right and God is wrong.
Jesus came to save us from:
The penalty of sin
The power of sin
The presence of sin